Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Headshots Ready to be Distributed

There are so many factors that go into getting new head shots ready to passed around. First you have to hire a photographer to do them, then you have to go through all the prints, and make selections. And if you are like me, who hates most of the photos I take -- always have -- that means asking people to give you their feedback and select the ones they like. And of course, the ones you ask initially won't agree on the same photos, so you have to ask more people. Then of course, you have to get your name on them and get them printed up.

Here are the final 4 that will be used. The way the industry works now is that you have to have one smiley one for commercial submissions and one serious one for theatrical. The two printed up for submissions have already been chosen, but I thought it'd be fun to which one readers of this blog would choose... so free to leave comments on which ones you'd choose. All are by photographer Jeff Xander.

And here are some photos from another session. These were done by a friend of mine whom I'm not sure he wants his name published on the Internet. Will amend if he changes his mind.

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