Friday, March 07, 2008

Reliving the Star Trek Experience in Thrilling Wonder Stories

This August you should be able to buy a very special edition of Thrilling Wonder Stories, because it will have an article written by yours truly here. The publisher of this paperback science fiction anthology, Winston Engle, approached me to write an article which would capture the experience we had making the online webisode "World Enough and Time" for Star Trek New Voyages.

It was great fun to do, for not only did I get to glean from my memories, but I interviewed a few key others who also participated in making the webisode to get their thoughts as well. To give you the full flavor of being there, I chose to talk to Star Trek iconic actor, GEORGE TAKEI, the webisode's co-writer/director MARC SCOTT ZICREE, co-writer MICHAEL REAVES, UPM DON BALDERAMOS, makeup artist/body double KATIA MANGANI, and script supervisor CARLOS PEDRAZA.

George Takei admonished me a tiny bit for calling him an icon, saying that word conjured up for him someone dead or someone soon to be dead, and he planned to live a long time. After all, his grandmother lived to be over 100. So I corrected myself and called him a living icon, which he then teased me about for the rest of the interview.

Thrilling Wonder Stories was a well-known pulp science fiction anthology in the 1950s. An admirer of the pulp magazine, Winston set about acquiring the rights to revive it. The perfect-bound soft-cover paperback has a mixture of reprinted science fiction stories and new stories from such luminaries as Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov in the first issue. Prestigious company to be in. The cover art is spectacular -- done by the illustrious Iain McCaig. I don't know what writers or artists will be in the pages of the second volume but I'm eagerly looking forward to finding out.

Our full-length hour webisode has garnered a lot of praise in Hollywood and around the world. It has won a video award and is currently nominated for a Nebula.

It has been a project I've been proud to work on. And I'm proud of this article I've written. Please check it out when Thrilling Wonder Stories comes out. You'll be able to get it at, where the first issue is available now. Then, please come back here and let me know what you thought. If you haven't seen the episode, please go to Star Trek:Phase II. It is well worth viewing. And let me know what you think.

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Blogger Kelly J. Crawford said...

I greatly enjoyed "World Enough and Time", Crystal. It even made me cry a little, near the end. Definitely something to be proud of.

10:56 AM

Blogger Crystal said...

Thank you, Kelly, for coming here and telling me so. We all appreciate it.

I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. Even men have been telling us they have tears at the end. Christina and George were great in those scenes. I did an interview with Christina to put up on my WordPress blog but this article and other projects intervened and hopefully now I can get back to it.

11:30 AM

Blogger slaflora said...

Hello Crystal,
I am a screenwriting major at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. I learned of you through your comments on a blog about writer's assistant vs. script coordinating jobs. I am going into my senior year with hopes of writing for one hour dramas. I would love to converse with you about this. I am looking for work as a writer's assistant and would like to know how to get the job. I look forward to your response,

Stephanie Imani La Flora

3:56 PM

Blogger Crystal said...


Thank you for reading my blog. This is not a great time to be looking for work in the entertainment industry because so much is on hold until after the actor negotiations have been resolved.

However, I will be happy to talk to you and answer your questions. You can send me your email address - this blog is moderated so I'll get it for approval and I won't allow it to go to public.

I also encourage you to read, if you haven't, my blog entry here on the topic. It's archived under March 2006.

4:25 PM


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